Fabio Pettirossi
Born in Rome in 1969.
Fabio Pettirossi has been Head of AMCO’s Turnaround & Strategic Finance Department since July 2024.
He began his professional career in Deutsche Bank S.p.A. From 1996 to 2005 he worked in Banca Intesa first in Retail banking, then as a Global Relationship Manager and Credit Risk Manager, finally in Corporate Finance & Advisory – Corporate & Acquisition Finance Service. In 2005 he moved to the BNP Paribas-BNL Group with the role of Vice President in the department of Leveraged & Acquisition Finance, then in 2010 he became Head of the Structured Finance department of the Italian subsidiary GE Capital S.p.A.-Interbanca (former General Electric Group today Banca Ifis) where in 2011 he assumed the Responsibility of the Workout & RecoveryArea.
He received his Bachelor’s degree in Economics and Business from La Sapienza University of Rome, then his Master’s degree in Corporate Finance from SDA Bocconi School of Management.
He is licensed as a Certified Public Accountant.