
Laura Spotorno


Laura Spotorno is Head of Stakeholder Engagement & Sustainability at AMCO and Chief Sustainability Officer.

Her professional experience is focused on the banking sector and financial markets, enriched by experiences in corporate communications. Between 2010 and 2019 she covered various roles in UniCredit Group. Between 2016 and 2017, she worked at BFF Banking Group (former Banca Farmafactoring) as Head of Investor Relations, Strategy and Communications managing the listing process. She began her career in JPMorgan in 1996. From 2006 to 2009 she worked in Credit Agricole Asset Management (now Amundi) as analyst/portfolio manager on the European financial sector. She obtained her Economics degree at Bocconi University, where she then qualified as a Certified Chartered Accountant, also gaining a brief experience as an assistant at SDA Bocconi.

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