
Stefano Micheli


Stefano Micheli has been Chief Operating Officer of AMCO – Asset Management Company S.p.A. since October 2017.

He began his career in Banca Toscana, MontePaschi group, 1986. From 1988 to 2012 he worked in the Banca Etruria group with various roles of increasing responsibility in organisation, ICT & operations, then moved to Cedacri S.p.A. from 2012 to 2014, to set up a new advisory service. Since 2014 he has been Head of Organisation and ICT at Italfondiario S.p.A., responsible for the acquisition and integration program of UCCMB for the creation of the DoBank S.p.A. group (now DoValue), of which he has been Chief Operating Officer from 2016 and CEO of doSolutions S.p.A. (doBank group). Member of the Board of Directors of CBI consortium (ABI) from 2005 to 2009.

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