Shareholders’ Meeting call
· Shareholders’ Meeting called to resolve on the plan for the non-proportional partial demerger of a compendium including a portfolio of non-performing exposures from MPS
· Further step towards the completion of the transaction as per plan
Milan, 4 September 2020. AMCO informs that, pursuant to Articles 2501-ter and 2506-bis of the Italian Civil Code, the plan for the partial, non-proportional demerger with an asymmetrical option of a compendium consisting, inter alia, of non-performing exposures from Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena S.p.A. in favour of AMCO (the “Demerger Plan”) has been filed and on 3 September, registered with the competent Companies’ Register.
AMCO has therefore deposited at its registered office, as well as published on its institutional website in the Investor Relations section (“Corporate Transactions”), the documentation required by Articles 2501-septies and 2506-ter of the Italian Civil Code. The Shareholders’ Meeting has also been convened in extraordinary and ordinary session on 4 October 2020, in first call, and on 5 October 2020, in second call, to resolve on the Demerger Plan and take inherent and consequent resolutions.